I love
reading and writing, that’s why I build this blog up. A wise blogger said,
“Just express what you feel, what you know, what you are capable of, and
whatever it is within your head into a writing (as long as it’s positive definitely).
It’s not because of showing off or snobbish, but merely for sharing and
inspiring each other. The visitors of your blog are probably able to take some
benefit from it and give you some feedback (either positive or negative one)
with respect to the article you post from which your mind becomes opened and
your insight becomes very keen. It will make you stronger, smarter and wiser.
Besides, there will be many lessons learned e.g. how to appreciate the people’s
thoughts, how to criticize an opinion wisely and deal with a critique
patiently, how to awaken demotivated people etc through the articles you wrote
or (perhaps) from the comments of the visitors inside your blog as well.”
“Old Nakula” has no special meaning. I do remember, it was created at first
when I was still in college. One thing encourages me to put such a name into my
URL is due to its weirdness, that’s all. Am I serious? ^_^, of course not.
Well, I am cordially gonna let you know the reason why. Lexically “old” means mature;
aged; ripe etc. Philosophically “old” is identical to wise and knowledgeable as
a famous Indonesian proverb, “Bagai ilmu padi, semakin tua semakin merunduk.”
[“Get older get wiser”] or hadits; “Kebaikan itu bersama dengan orang-orang
tua (diantara) kalian.” [“The goodness is along with the old people amongst
you.”]. (Mukhtashar az-Zawa’eed Musnad al-Bazzar, Ibn Hajar, Mu’assasah
al-Kutub ats-Tsaqafiyah, 1412H, vol. 2 pg. 188, Shaheehul Jamee’ No. 2811).
Meanwhile, “Nakula” is one of the five Pandava brothers according to the epic
Mahābhārata. He’s described as extremely attractive and supreme in
intelligence. Without him, Pandava can’t be referred to as “Pandava”. So, I
just imagine if “Old Nakula” is a wise, knowledgeable and attractive one who
lives modest life with humility, without greed. What a pity, I am not “Old
Nakula” as described. Hopefully I am.
The next
question may be coming up is; what does Qana’ah actually mean?, Why I use such
a term as site logo?. Let’s take a look the following hadits: The prophet
Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallama said, “Kekayaan itu bukan dengan banyaknya
harta benda, akan tetapi kekayaan itu adalah kekayaan jiwa.” [HR.
Al-Bukhari (4/219], [“Richness does not come from an abundance of wealth;
[true] richness is the richness of the heart.” [Reported by al-Imam al-Bukharee
(4/219)]]. Do you know what the meaning of “the richness of the heart” [as set
forth in above hadits] really is?. That’s qana’ah, which means; satisfy/content
with what Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala has given. Remember, initially we have
nothing then Allah fulfills what we need. I wish, every time I and the visitors
enter this site, we’re gonna view it (i.e Qana’ah), think of it,
understand it, and apply it (whenever and wherever we are, red.) in our daily
Finally, to facilitate the visitors in terms of finding
out the articles, I intentionally divide it into some categories, e.g. if you
would like to read the article pertaining to spiritualism, you can find it
within “Ad-Dien” category, if you would like to read the article pertaining to
Microsoft Office tips and tricks, you can find it within “Software” category
etc. May it’s beneficial. Last but not least, I do seek forgiveness of
Allah ’Azza wa Jall for every mistake I have commited (particularly in terms of writing and posting articles) consciously or unconsciously, secretly
or openly. Baarakallaahu feek.